New Year’s Eve – a lovely day and I walked around Boscrowan with my new camera. A present from David to take wonderful photos for our website and facebook page.

One of our 2 buff Orpington cockerels in the daffodil field
Yes the two Boscrowan daffodil fields are beginning to flower already – the earliest in the area we hear!

New Years Eve in Cornwall – well it rained and also on New Years Day. We seem to be alternating – one day wet, then one day dry. Unbelievable how many plants are in flower here – primroses, daphne almost, camellias almost, Kaphir lilies and the bees are loving my mahonia which is looking wonderful at the moment.

My New Years resolution for 2014 is to spend more time on the garden – to grow even more flowers in the cutting garden for the cottages and more vegetables for our guests too so that we can all eat with the seasons! No to imported flowers and vegetables – we managed years ago without this so perhaps we might try again?!