Enjoy Cornwall at a fabulous, floriferous time of year! w/c May 6th was £745 for 7 nights now only £595.
£100 discount w/c 22nd April
Both cottages now only £625 April 22- 29 (£100 disc.) Also some short break availability still 17 – 22 April. Enjoy our early flowering Spring gardens, deserted coastal footpaths and beaches and you may even spot Easter bunnies hoppng around our orchard too!
Spring has sprung in Cornwall!
Rest and recharge – breathe the fresh air on the cliff tops, visit local gardens to enjoy magnificent magnolias. Cosy up by a roaring fire in the evening and sleep deeply in our comfortable beds at night. Short breaks from £250 (min. stay 2 nights). Availability in both cottages for the next few weeks.