Our animals are an everyday part of life at Boscrowan but they are also a great source of entertainment and delight for many of our visitors. Wander around Boscrowan and you will more than likely meet the horse and pony -Jasper and Dotty, chickens, Maisie the Labrador and Tiny Tim the cat basking in the sunshine.

Many of our youngest visitors list feeding and meeting the farm animals as their most popular memory of Boscrowan and we all know that the best holidays are full of memories. We actively encourage younger visitors to participate in the routines of the farm such as collecting eggs from the chickens or watching the farrier shoe the horses.

Boscrowan’s land is very interesting to explore with its small fields with high hedges for windbreaks when it was formerly a market garden growing early flowers and vegetables on its south facing slopes, horses, wildflowers and a river. Daffodils are no longer grown here sadly as our fields are too small for modern machinery. This photo was taken a few years ago. Our bird feeders encourage many varieties of birds to our gardens and binoculars and a bird guide book will help young and old learn more. We are always keen to know which varieties of birds our guests have spotted!