Spring is in the air

Well after a long, long  wet winter – yes we had the same, suddenly change is afoot and buds and flowers are bursting forth. Spring is in the air, at last.

Exciting things – suddenly a Beschornia in the front garden has 5 massive flower buds, a Fucrea in a pot overwintering in the greenhouse has an intriguing flower bud which ultimately could tower above my head. David and I have been busy out in the vegetable and cutting garden – digging, rotavating and planting potatoes and garlic – onions next. It’s a lovely surprise for our guests to walk into their cottages at the start of their holiday to a trug of homegrown Boscrowan vegetables with a continuous supply throughout their stay if they wish – and for free! Ban the plastic wrapping of less fresh and tasty supermarket produce whilst you are staying at Boscrowan.

Sweet peas are flourishing in the greenhouse. I plan a succession this year – their colours and scent so sweet that I wish they could last all summer.

We want our guests to enjoy a slice of our country life whilst they stay at Boscrowan and even more we hope that they will find time to try growing things when they return home. You can sow some lettuce seed in a pot in the same time that you can send an e mail or a text – it doesn’t take long!!!!!

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