Breakfast is served at Boscrowan

It was when David commented upon the chain of events that occur every morning the moment that he opens the door and walks outside that I thought I might share them with you.

Jess and Meg hear him place his empty coffee cup down beside the aga and rush to the utility door. Wellies on and out the three go, Jess and Meg barking with excitement, David trying to quieten them but to no avail and fortunately we find that few of our holiday cottage guests even hear them and the few that do, enjoy hearing them as a country sound!

The horses hear the dogs and whinny and rush to their stable doors or field gate (depends on the time of year), awaiting their breakfast.


The chickens and ducks hear all these voices and a cacophany of sound erupts from the houses in the poultry enclosure. They burst out of their doors once opened, sometimes even with an egg pinging out in front of them too. The chickens rush for the food, the ducks race over for water. That done it’s time to feed the three cats Milly and Molly plus new member of the gang, Fluffy who have appeared from nowhere, all desperately hungry and last of all Jess and Meg who instigated this chain of events.

And always of course, should there be a guest on Ring and Thimble front patio there is an ever ready, eager audience always keen for a quick snack at any time!


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