There are certain special things and new experiences that we remember for the rest of our lives! Here at Boscrowan we have a few things up our sleeves that guests, and particularly our younger guests may never have done before…
A boat trip from Penzance spotting dolphins, seals, gannets and much more

Helping with the less glamorous side of keeping a pony

But realising what fun it can be.

Feeding the hens and seeing an egg being laid if you time it right!

Relaxing in the revolving summerhouse – if the sun is in your eyes you just give it a turn!

Or eating freshly picked tomatoes warmed by the sun

We hope to inspire – particularly our younger guests and explore with them the simpler things in our every day lives that we take for granted, but they have never done before. A stay at Boscrowan doesn’t need to be lounging on a sofa gazing at something digital – it can be get outdoors and see and enjoy what’s around you…………for free!